

Ferrara Railway Station: direct trains from/to Venezia (Venice), Bologna, Firenze (Florence), Roma (Rome), Napoli (Naples), and Vienna.

Trenitalia -





Bologna - G. Marconi Airport - Distance from Ferrara: 52 km -

From Bologna airport to Ferrara, two possibilities are available:

  1. Ferrara Bus & Fly: The shuttle runs every day, every 2 hours and 30 minutes (16 times a day). One-way ticket € 15;
  2. Shuttle bus to Bologna Centrale railway station every 20 minutes, and from there direct trains to Ferrara every hour. Average journey time: 60 minutes.

All information about buses are available on the web site

Informations on trains from Bologna to Ferrara are available on the web site


Venezia (Venice) - Marco Polo Airport - Distance from Ferrara: 120 km -

Shuttle bus every 20 minutes to Venezia Mestre railway station, and from there direct trains to Ferrara every hour. Average journey time (excluding shuttle bus): 1 hour 30 minutes.

Informations on trains are available on the web site


Verona - Valerio Catullo Airport - Distance from Ferrara: 100 km -

Shuttle bus every 20 minutes to Verona railway station, and from there trains to Ferrara (changing at Padova). Average journey time (excluding shuttle bus): 2 hours 15 minutes.

Informations on trains are available on the web site


 BUS.jpg  BY BUS

Ferrara is connected by bus from the city of Bologna (LINE atc 354/356), schedule on the official website:




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